茶湯特色: 湯色橙紅明亮,沖泡後會釋放特有蜂蜜香氣,味道清爽、香醇、入口甘甜蜜香,回味渾厚茶香,適合清飲,也可加入奶精沖泡成奶茶。 茶葉泡法: 熱茶泡法:50g茶葉加入2000-3500cc熱水,加蓋泡8-12分鐘後將茶葉過濾即可使用。冰茶泡法:50g茶葉加入1500-2000cc熱水,加蓋泡8-12分鐘後將茶葉過濾,加入1公斤冰塊攪拌至融化即可使用。 泡完時加入250cc/g果糖或砂糖即為有糖紅茶。
鐵觀音茶葉 Tieh-Kuan-Yin tea
FreeDom鐵觀音茶葉 熱茶泡法:100g加入5000cc熱水,加蓋泡10分鐘後將茶葉濾出即可使用。冰茶泡法:100g加入3000cc熱水,加蓋泡10分鐘後將茶葉濾出(可於熱茶時加入糖和奶精攪拌),再加入2公斤冰塊攪拌至融化即可使用。泡完時加入400cc/g果糖或砂糖和700克奶精即為有糖鐵觀音奶茶。 FreeDom Tieh-Kuan-Yin tea Hot steeping: put 100g of tea with 5000cc hot water and cover it for 10 minutes. After that take the tea out then you can drink. Cool steeping: put 100g of tea with 3000cc hot water and cover it for 10 minutes. Then, take the tea out then you can drink. (Can put sugar and creamer into tea to stir) Lfter, put 2 kg ice to stir until it melt, you can drink it . After that, put 400cc/g fouctose or sugar and 700g creamer,it will be the Tieh-Kuan-Yin milk tea.
大紅阿薩姆紅茶 Assam Tea
FreeDom大紅阿薩姆紅茶 熱茶泡法:100g加入5000cc熱水,加蓋泡7分鐘後將茶葉濾出即可使用。冰茶泡法:100g加入3000cc熱水,加蓋泡7分鐘後將茶葉濾出,加入2公斤冰塊攪拌至融化即可使用。泡完時加入400cc/g果糖或砂糖即為有糖紅茶。 FreeDom Assam Tea Hot steeping : Put 100g of tea with 5000cc hot water and cover it for 7 minutes. After that take the tea out then you can drink. Cool steeping: put 100g of tea with 3000cc hot water and cover it for 7 minutes. Then, take the tea out and put 2kg ice to stir until it melt, you can drink it. After that, put 400cc/g fouctose or sugar, it will be the Assam tea.
茶湯特色: 來自斯里蘭卡產區,中低海拔茶葉,入口有著甜瓜香氣,味道清爽,回味渾厚茶香,適合清飲,也可加入奶精沖泡成奶茶。 茶葉泡法: 熱茶泡法:50g茶葉加入2000-3500cc熱水,加蓋泡10-12分鐘後將茶葉過濾即可使用。冰茶泡法:50g茶葉加入1500-2000cc熱水,加蓋泡10-12分鐘後將茶葉過濾,加入1公斤冰塊攪拌至融化即可使用。泡完時加入250cc/g果糖或砂糖即為有糖紅茶。
大吉嶺紅茶 Darjeeling Black Tea
FreeDom大吉嶺紅茶 熱茶泡法:100g加入5000cc熱水,加蓋泡7分鐘後將茶葉濾出即可使用。冰茶泡法:100g加入3000cc熱水,加蓋泡7分鐘後將茶葉濾出,加入2公斤冰塊攪拌至融化即可使用。泡完時加入400cc/g果糖或砂糖即為有糖紅茶。 FreeDom Darjeeling Black Tea Hot steeping: Put 100g of tea with 5000cc hot water and cover it for 7 minutes. After that take the tea out then you can drink it. Cool steeping: Put 100g of tea with 3000cc hot water and cover it for 7 minutes.After that take the tea out and put 2kg ice to stir until it melt, you can drink it. After that, put 400cc/g fouctose or sugar, it will be the Darjee black tea.