
pH 5.2-6.7檢測試紙

Effortless pH determination在不使用任何儀器的情況下測量pH,容易使用 Startech Test Papers pH指示條和紙。pH測試適用於環境分析,工業過程控制和教育環境。
  pH測試紙的優勢• 強烈的顏色開發
• 由於我們差異化的顏色分級,精確的結果
• 快速的試驗結果
• 通過NIST認證的pH緩衝溶液的校準和質量保證
紙我們的pH紙是使用高質量的紙製造的,其浸漬有混合的指示劑溶液,乾燥然後切割成尺寸。 一般來說,我們的pH紙以卷或書提供,既方便,又防止外部影響,例如水分,光和環境氣體,導致延長的保質期。
  pH指示條 - non-bleeding
我們的pH指示條和用特殊指示劑染料製成,結合到試劑紙上。 這種特殊的製造方法比pH指示劑紙具有一定的優勢; 指示劑不滲出,並且指示劑條可以在溶液中長時間保留而不污染測試溶液。
我們的指示紙和條帶可以在室溫下儲存3年,在乾燥的環境中避光保存。 對於投注結果,在移除每個條帶或紙張後,應立即關閉包裝。
Startech使用經認證的pH緩衝溶液校準和測試其所有pH產品。 這些緩衝溶液可以直接追溯到源自NIST的主要參考材料。 我們保持始終如一的高品質。
The indicator pads on these environmentally friendly strips are prepared as a non bleed system therefore the resultant colour changeremains far longer and readable until the pad is dry.
Each strip is long enough to protect the user from the test solution as the test pads are at the extreme end of the strip.
For accurate pH readings, these strips use 3 different indicator pads and the colours on the enclosed colour chart match the colour and position of each pad on the strip. This allows these strips to provide a rapid method of measuring the pH of a solution while producing high quality results each time.
Strips with the non-bleed system provide precise pH values as the different colours do not mix at the point of testing.
Universal Indicator Strips are also available as single pad strips where it is not essential to have the high level of accuracy achieved using the 3 pad strips (Product Codes: 101.3/101.3C). These strips still provide the benefits of using pH indicator strips along with immediate colour changes and a non bleed system to identify the resultant pH.






