
新石器晚期 玉琮

新石器晚期 玉琮良渚文化 高15.7公分,寬7公分,深7公分距今約四、五千年前,在長江下游的太湖流域,發展了良渚文化。玉琮正是良渚居民用以祭祀神祇祖先的重要禮器。良渚玉琮的基本造形為略呈上大下小的方柱體,有上下貫穿的大圓孔;外壁以四個轉角線為中心,上下垂直堆疊地雕琢「面紋」。這件深淺交雜的褐色玉琮,是典型的良渚文化晚期玉琮;外壁分為六節,每節以轉角線為中心各琢一小眼面紋,全器共有二十四個面紋。每個面紋以刻有平行線的長橫稜象徵神祖所戴的「羽冠」;以同心雙圈刻繪出眼睛,還刻有代表眼角的短線;象徵鼻子的短橫稜上,則刻繪兩端方轉的單線。因為年代久遠,這些刻紋都已模糊。 Ts’ung Liang-chu Culture, late Neolithic age (ca. 3300-2000 BC)Height: 15.7 cm, width: 7 cm, depth: 7 cmThe Liang-chu Culture developed around the drainage basin of Lake T’ai in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River around 4000 to 5000 years ago, and the jade "ts’ung" was an important ritual implement used by the people of this culture in the worship of their gods and ancestors. "Ts’ung" were basically square cylindrical objects with a hole bored through the center, running from top to bottom. The external surface was composed of carved “mask motifs”, one on top of the other, centered around the four corners of each level. This “ts’ung”, carved from a piece of jade of deep and light earthy hues, is a classic example from the late Liang-chu period. It has six levels, the corners of which are decorated with a carved mask motif with small eyes. Each of the 24 masks has parallel lines representing a feathered headdress worn by an ancestor or god. The eyes are concentric circles with dashes forming the corners of the eyes, and two single lines perpendicular to a short horizontal oval form the nose. Due to the age of this piece, these carved markings are no longer very distinct. 國立故宮博物院national palace museum





