認識我們: Chin Tai Textile developed the first stretchable Covering Yarn and Core Yarn in 1981 and thus we provide stretch denim weaving to many of Taiwan leading textile manufacturers, Taiwan denim industry moving towards a new era. For the response to the business expansion needs, Chin Tai change address to the currently address, Tainan Anping Industrial Park, in 1985.
We cordially invite you to look around our products and welcome to email your inquiry to us.
歡迎來電洽詢經營品牌: welcome go to our website 歡迎參觀我們的網站
金台紡織股份有限公司前身是錦昇布行由 Mr. Su 創辦於西元1978年,專營各類進口伸縮牛仔布的買賣,並於西元1981年在台灣紡織業界率先研發出伸縮紗的撚紗(Covering Yarn)及包芯紗(Core Yarn)製造,提供台灣許多知名紡織廠商伸縮牛仔布織造,台灣牛仔布工業從此邁向新的里程,並於西元1985年因應業務拓展需要,建廠於現址:台南市安平工業區新仁路19號; 產品包含各式顏色牛仔布、竹節牛仔布、麻混紡伸縮牛仔布、平織牛仔布、吸濕排汗、天絲棉牛仔布、印染壓染石頭布、不同輕重磅數彈性牛仔布及提花布等各種樣式布種。本公司亦生產各種樣式的染色成衣布,另有水洗廠為客戶成衣提供洗、染、防縮及其它特殊加工等專業貼心服務。